PLA Course Subjects

Prior Learning Assessment Course Subjects


More *'s indicate a better match.

Courses 1-10 of 15 matches.
Parenting Very Young Children   (CDS-113)   3.00 s.h.  

Course Description
The parenting of Very Young Children (Birth to 6 years Old). A study of parental involvement with children, the amount & quality of parent- child interaction, the psycho-social development of young children, personnel placement in early childhood programs, & school-home communication.

Learning Outcomes
Through the Portfolio Assessment process, students will demonstrate that they can appropriately address the following outcomes:

  • Discuss the benefits of a positive behavior plan for both parents and child.
  • Explain the significance of setting developmentally appropriate expectations.
  • Establish the significance of the home-school connection and strong communication ties.
  • Discuss how emergent literacy begins in the home and note how issues such as poverty impacts the onset of emergent literacy skills for the young child.
  • Indicate how the child develops cognitively and emotionally and what happens when a child fails to reach significant growth milestones. Incorporate Piaget's theories.

Parent Involvement in Daycare   (CDS-352)   3.00 s.h.  

Course Description
The student will be able to demonstrate how the early childhood educator, in the daycare setting, can enhance parental involvement, assess need, access resources for diverse families, communicate effectively with culturally and linguistically diverse families, and partner with the family for a safe and nurturing home environment.

Learning Outcomes
Through the Portfolio Assessment process, students will demonstrate that they can appropriately address the following outcomes:

  • Develop a philosophy of partnering with parents in the daycare setting.
  • Analyze how the daycare setting can foster the parents' role in emergent literacy, particularly speech and initial letter/sound development.
  • Analyze the connection between structured management/discipline in both the home and classroom.
  • Discuss the significance of a psychologically and physically healthy home and daycare environment.
  • Evaluate resources designed to support ELL (English Language Learners) parents and parents of developmentally delayed or disabled children.
  • Assess techniques used to assess the cognitive, social, and emotional needs of parents/guardians of daycare children.
  • Discuss strategies to optimize the parents' involvement in the daycare program.

Introduction to Computer Information Systems   (CIS-102)   3.00 s.h.  

Course Description
A survey of the basic concepts, principles, and procedures in computer information processing.

Learning Outcomes
Through the Portfolio Assessment process, students will demonstrate that they can appropriately address the following outcomes:

  • Describe the history of computers and information systems, as well as current and future technology.
  • Explain the hardware, software and technologies related to networking and e-commerce, digital media, e-commerce, systems analysis and design, as well as programming.
  • Describe the steps needed for designing an Ideal System for a Home Office or Small Business and configuring an ideal computer system (hardware/software, including email, Internet access, file management, virus protection, etc.) for a home office or small business.

Housing Finance   (REE-302)   3.00 s.h.  

Course Description
Institutions, processes, and mechanisms involved in the provision of mortgage funds for housing. The roles of conventional lenders, mortgage insurance, secondary market operations, and state and local housing finance agencies.

Learning Outcomes
Through the Portfolio Assessment process, students will demonstrate that they can appropriately address the following outcomes:

  • Define who is the Mortgagor and the who is the Mortgagee
  • Find your current credit score, which is FICO
  • Compare several mortgage brokers for assistance in receiving the best mortgage loan
  • Identify the various alternative financing plans available and typically considered by home buyers
  • Define "Points" and explain their purpose
  • Check the zoning laws on the lot that you would buy or build your house
  • Define Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)
  • Explain the loan-to-value ratio
  • Discuss the important of housing to the economy
  • Discuss the steps that government and the banking industry take to support home ownership
  • Discuss Federal, State and local incentives in place to encourage housing finance

The American Civil War   (HIS-235)   3.00 s.h.  

Course Description
The American Civil War embraces the entire sweep of the American Civil War. The course examines the complex causes and lasting effects of the war, as well as the battles, the home fronts, the generals, and the ordinary soldiers.

Learning Outcomes
Through the Portfolio Assessment process, students will demonstrate that they can appropriately address the following outcomes:

  • Compare and contrast the southern and northern way of life.
  • Discuss the causes of the Civil War.
  • Discuss the effects of the war on the social and economic life of civilians in all parts of the United States—North, South, and West.
  • Explain the major strategies pursued by both sides in waging war.
  • Name the major campaigns and explain their outcomes.
  • Discuss the broad changes the Civil War brought to the United States.

Strategies for Effective Parenting   (CDS-103)   3.00 s.h.  

Course Description
Students presented with several models useful in training parents to be more effective. Modules such as Adlerian Family Counseling, Parent Effectiveness Training, Behavioral Approaches and Transactional Analysis will be included. Emphasis on skill building as well as theory.

Learning Outcomes
Through the Portfolio Assessment process, students will demonstrate that they can appropriately address the following outcomes:

  • Discuss home environmental conditions which support learning and problem-solving.
  • Determine ways to develop strong communication patterns with the child.
  • Discuss strategies which promote the child's mental health, include community support systems.
  • Comment upon the role of parents in fostering emergent literacy.
  • Analyze and comment upon at least three discipline strategies. State the pros and cons of each strategy.

Men's Health   (HEA-306)   3.00 s.h.  

Course Description
This course explores the societal, economic, cultural, and gender influences that shape men's health beliefs and practices. Common health problems and strategies effective in promoting men's health and wellbeing are explored. Reflection on the positive outcomes of healthy men at home, work, and in society is threaded throughout this course.

Learning Outcomes
Through the Portfolio Assessment process, students will demonstrate that they can appropriately address the following outcomes:

  • Discuss health problems and issues as they relate to the male population.
  • Explore social, economic, cultural, gender, environmental, and work place factors influencing men's health practices.
  • Examine the impact of men's health beliefs on wellness and illness behavior.
  • Identify strategies that promote healthy lifestyles in the male population.

Children's Literature and Story Telling   (CDS-214)   3.00 s.h.  

Course Description
A study of the principles of selection, adaptation and the techniques of storytelling, book talks and book reviews. A survey of children's literature and the age appropriate use of various genre.

Learning Outcomes
Through the Portfolio Assessment process, students will demonstrate that they can appropriately address the following outcomes:

  • Discuss how the early childhood educator selects good and age-appropriate children's literature for the classroom.
  • Briefly considers the various genres and the defining elements of each.
  • Talk about the role of children's literature in promoting emergent literacy in early childhood education.
  • Indicate the role of parents/caregivers in terms of incorporating children's literature in the home environment.
  • Consider the role of multi-cultural literature in the classroom.
  • Discuss how literature has a cathartic element in the life of a child.
  • Briefly state how storytelling enhances the experience of literature in the classroom.

Introduction to Insurance Law   (LAW-215)   3.00 s.h.  

Course Description
Intentional torts, negligence, strict liability, damages, defenses to torts. Principles of insurance law and procedures for the investigation of personal injury cases.

Learning Outcomes
Through the Portfolio Assessment process, students will demonstrate that they can appropriately address the following outcomes:

  • Present insurance and fundamental concepts of insurance law.
  • Discuss the operation of the insurance and risk management system, the types of insurance policies and their applications.
  • Explain intentional torts as they apply to insurance law.
  • Discuss negligence and the basic theoretical concepts of insurance and the applicable law governing insurance, with an emphasis on the practical aspects of insurance in the practice of law.
  • Define strict liability as applied to insurance law.
  • Present damages and discuss insurance coverage and claims handling matters.
  • Describe defenses to torts along with policyholder's defense to a claims pursuant to a liability insurance policy and the rights and obligations of policyholders and insurers.
  • Explain the principles of insurance law and procedures for the investigation of personal injury cases.
  • Give some examples of how insurance law touches the home, the family, and the occupation or business of almost every person in the United States.

Interior Design   (HOE-251)   3.00 s.h.  

Course Description
Introduces the study of interior design, manipulation of space, graphic ideation, communications for interior design, and the function and aesthetics of materials. Projects develop student's understanding of interior design vocabulary, use of space concepts and two dimensional design.

Learning Outcomes
Through the Portfolio Assessment process, students will demonstrate that they can appropriately address the following outcomes:

  • Define and demonstrate knowledge of aesthetic criteria for decorating home interiors that meet individual and family needs
  • Identify career paths leading to the position of a professional interior designer
  • Identify, analyze, evaluate and demonstrate the physiological, psychological, environmental and cultural factors which affect interior design
  • Identify, apply and provide documentation of design principles and elements to interior environments
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the Interpretation and application of color systems and theories as they apply to interior design
  • Demonstrate knowledge of and provide documentation of how floor plans are used for function and user needs
  • Demonstrate knowledge of and provide documentation for the effect of lighting on interior environments
  • Identify and explain materials and products used in interior environments for their aesthetic and performance qualities

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